We're gald you're here and we like you to stay and even send this newsletter to your friends! De.Studio is a privately run endeavour so we are happy with every bit of attention that brings us closer to our goal: get art to the people.
It's meant for art lovers, collectors, artists, gallerists, you name it, and in fact, every soul in the world. Let's see what this edition adds to your sense of past, present and future....
Our year wrapped? Noooo... just a few notes.
Richard Bolger successfully celebrated his "Crystal Palace - The Prologue" exhibition at the start of this month. The Art Popup in Laren during the weekend of December 8th drove about a hundred visitors to the Salon "Change Of Art" (see the presented art and jewellery via the link below; you can expect a report in a next newsletter).
De.Studio was established in March 2021, five months after the death of Steven Oprinsen, in his basement at the Haarlemmer Houttuinen. The parts "St" and "O" are derived from his handwriting by his ex wife and we put that in the logo of De.Studio.
We try to put some De.Studio historical facts and stories in every newsletter. If you have suggestions, please send them to us.
Richard is filming snow monkeys - wild Japanese macaques - at a spa in Japan. Follow this on his insta.
While Vincent is trying to add as much oil painted pieces as possible of size 140x100cm to his ninetych for the next show (watch the plan on his website).
There will be more exhibitions in 2024. In De.Studio Amsterdam we continue with the running photo shows in the first months. Visit the next shows by Richard Bolger.
In Laren we will organize several popup galleries and salons for artpopup.eu - the next one is in March.
With the focus across the borders, we will strengthen our contacts in Hongkong and Berlin. Hopefully this will lead to actual exhibitions. As a gallery and artists collective, we are ready for bigger shows and parttaking in well-known events.
And much more. If you are an artist and you are looking for representation and exhibition options, talk to us to explore opportunities. De.Studio provides several services, like websites, commerce, marketing, legal assistance (intellectual property), projects, exhibition space, podcasts, and more.
We are also looking for collectors, showroom owners and gallerists nearby and all over the world.
But let's take it step by step
First of all, we must take care of each other in the world of today and celebrate Christmas in a warm light. It's a dreamer's wish but one thing is a fact: we're all made of stardust. We wish you all a peaceful 2024 and hope to see you there.